.:Fonseca Brasil:. unitri



Leaders League Ranked Firm 2022

500 top ranked – 2021

Chambers Brazil – Leading Firm 2021

Ranked Firm 2021

500 top ranked – 2020

500 top ranked – 2018

Ranked in Chambers Latin America – Leading Firm 2013-2016

The Office

Fonseca Brasil Advogados completes 16 years of service characterised by its agile, personalized and strategic service, offering the best solution to clients.

The team specializes in providing advice in the areas of Corporate, Tax, Civil and Labour Law. This expertise has elevated the Office to the forefront, attracting clients from various parts of the world, such as China, Canada, United Kingdom and the European Union.

The team is comprised of 71 professionals, with 46 lawyers, distributed in Belém (PA), and in the branches of Macapá (AP) and São Paulo (SP). Almost all lawyers speak English and have postgraduate degrees in their areas.

In addition to Macapá, which has been active since 2011, and São Paulo, started in 2017, the office serves 100% of the territory of the States of Pará and Amapá, thanks to the presence of partner lawyers in the various districts of these States.

All Fonseca Brasil customers receive security in our service - which is ensured by liability insurance and a process control system.

Specialized in service to companies, the office has as its slogans: the personal, the agile and the result. The office seeks to know the business of the client, and the client has access to the lawyers of the office very quickly. The best service strategy, the most appropriate result and the shortest possible time.

Areas of Expertise

Port Law, Navigation, and Infrastructure

We specialize in the port, navigation, and infrastructure sectors, providing expert advisory services and end-to-end support. Our expertise covers everything from structuring port operations to addressing regulatory and contractual challenges. We handle the negotiation and drafting of concession agreements, leases, and public-private partnership contracts, while also offering strategic legal consultancy for maritime transport operations, logistics, and related services. Focused on delivering effective, client-specific solutions, we ensure legal compliance, streamline processes, and minimize operational risks.


With a team specialized in Arbitration and aligned with national and international standards, precedents, and guidelines, our practice stands out for its strategic and vigorous approach to defending clients. We focus particularly on commercial, corporate, and construction disputes, as well as other complex matters. The goal is always to place the client in an advantageous position in the dispute, ensuring the best conflict management and the most efficient outcomes.



In litigation, we defend our clients’ interests in judicial and administrative disputes with agility and precision. Our practice spans a wide range of matters, from corporate and contractual issues to civil and commercial litigation, supported by a specialized team capable of handling complex demands across various areas of law. Each case is managed with meticulous attention to detail and tailored strategies, always aiming for the best solutions and outcomes at every stage of the process, from initial negotiations to appeals.

M&A and Contracts

We specialize in the validation and drafting of corporate contracts, mergers and acquisitions, and providing preventive guidance. Our services include conducting due diligence procedures in business purchase and sale transactions, focusing on identifying potential contingencies to minimize risks and ensure successful deal


Restructuring. Analysis and proposal of corporate operations. Succession planning. Business contracts. Fusions, mergers and acquisitions. Due diligence procedures in the purchase and sale of companies. Legal operation of the day-to-day business.


Analysis, interpretation and application of tax legislation related to direct/indirect taxes and social security contributions, aiming at reducing tax risks in the operations carried out or to be carried out. Elaboration of administrative consultations at the federal, state and municipal levels, as well as special regimes for problem solving. Legal analysis of tax reviews. Follow-up of fiscal inspections. Legal aid to the demands of the internal and external accounting team. Tax planning. Reorganization of operations and businesses aiming at optimizing and reducing the tax burden and reducing the cost of compliance.

Civil law

Survey of existing actions in which the group is constituted as author and defendant, risk estimates, propositions of measures of adequacy of procedures that avoid lawsuits; drafting of contracts. Technical opinions and standards.

Environmental Law

Specialized consultancy for the preventive analysis of legal risks of projects and undertakings that involve the environment, with guidance for adapting to the rules in force.
Preparation of opinions, contracts and legal opinion on compliance with environmental standards.
Legal Assistance in conducting administrative processes that involve obtaining Environmental Licenses, Authorizations for Forest Exploration, Forest Concessions, Water Use Grants, and other administrative acts before the competent bodies (SEMMA, SEMAS, IBAMA, ICMBIO, DNPM, SPU and others )
Legal Advisory in punitive administrative processes, with the presentation of Defenses and Administrative Resources, as well as monitoring of Forest Replacement procedures, Plans for the Recovery of Degraded / Altered Areas and Environmental Regularization Programs.
Legal Assistance in judicial litigation, in the individual or collective sphere, in the elaboration of all the procedural documents, as well as in the accompaniment for elaboration of Conduct Adjustment Terms (TAC) and other applicable extrajudicial negotiations.

Mining Law

Legal advice for monitoring mining processes, in all phases (research, granting, renewals and transfers).
Consultancy and legal advice on acquisitions or transfers of mining rights.
Consultancy for the implementation of mining projects of all sizes.
Legal advice to monitor environmental processes related to mining processes (environmental licensing, authorizations for plant suppression and others).
Legal advice in administrative and judicial litigation, with complete monitoring and preparation of all procedural documents and possible applicable extrajudicial negotiations.

Agricultural law

Consultancy and Legal Advice for land tenure regularization of rural properties.
Analysis and preparation of agrarian contracts, monitoring negotiations and risk analysis in the purchase and sale of rural properties.
Legal advice in land tenure regularization, as well as in obtaining the necessary environmental licenses and authorizations.
Legal advice in administrative litigation (CODEN, ITERPA, INCRA, and others) and judicial in agrarian matters.


Technology has transformed life in society to an extent never imagined, whether it is how we communicate, how we exercise our rights or how we assume obligations, therefore a review of the various existing rules regarding business, privacy, individual freedom (commercial, consumer, labor, criminal, etc.) is mandatory. This is not a new branch of law, but its re-reading due to the impact of technology on law in a digital environment. For this, we have staff specialized in the subject in order to assist our customers in monitoring technological and applicable changes.

The General Data Protection Law provides for the processing of personal data by a natural person or by a legal person under public or private law, in order to protect the fundamental rights of freedom and privacy and the free development of the personality of the natural person.

Advance towards a different approach, with partners in the technology area, proposing to assist our customers in the process of implantation, adaptation, training, monitoring and inspection of the privacy and compliance program for the treatment of personal data; as well as guidance on good practices, through personalized projects.

Labor law

Validation and / or creation of additive and existing work contract. Adequacy of the rules of the company to the new labor legislation. Elaboration of the current labor risk. Study and prediction of judgements after the new labor law. Labor lecture series for human resources managers and directors. Validation of internal regulations.

Social security law

General Social Security Scheme (RGPS – INSS), Municipal, State and Federal Public Servants Private Pension Scheme (RPPS) and Supplementary Pension Scheme. Administrative and Judicial Performance. Analysis of the requirements in order to obtain benefits. Analysis and regularisation of contribution periods. Restitution of Social Security Contributions improperly collected. Benefits application and review. Incorporation of benefits to the benefits of inactivity and Pension for heirs. Accidental benefits. Special time counting.

Election law

Consultancy and legal advice on pre-campaign acts, registration of candidacy, election campaign and accountability. Strategic electoral litigation, with the filing and defense of Electoral Representations, AIRC, AIJE, AIME, RCED and similar actions. Personal performance in Electoral Appeals before the Regional Electoral Court, Superior Electoral Court and Supreme Federal Court

Legal Manager On Demand

With the increase in regulation in the main sectors of industry, we are witnessing a greater demand for temporary specialized professionals, in order to guarantee best practices and supervise organizational change. In addition, there are many reasons why a company considers creating or (re) structuring its legal department, among which, the natural expansion of its activities; the change in direction or management style; or new technologies.

Aware of this panorama, Fonseca Brasil created the area of Legal Manager for Demand & Construction and (re) structuring of Legal Departments, where our clients will be able to benefit from temporary legal professionals with extensive experience in managing the legal departments of large companies, to manage and deal with the mentioned changes. Provisional lawyers can be deployed in a short time and have a broad set of skills with niche knowledge to complement companies’ momentary needs. Our interim lawyers can always count on the additional multidisciplinary support of Fonseca Brasil.


Wide network of correspondents throughout the state of Pará and Amapá. Performance in civil, labor, consumer and special litigation. Legal outsorcing.


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FB Business

The FB Business project was created to share knowledge and experiences about Law, Business, Management, in addition to great market cases.


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Tv. Dom Romualdo de Seixas, 1476 • Andar 26 • Umarizal, Belém - PA • 66055-200

T: 91 3212 4678

91 99196-5102

Rua Rio Claro, 204b • Beira Rio • Parauapebas - PA • 68.515-000

T: 91 3212 4678

91 99196-5102


Folha CSI 31 • Quadra 7 • Lote 20 • Sala 3 • Marabá - PA • 68509-000

T: 91 3212 4678

91 99196-5102

Av. Presidente Juscelino Kubitschek, 1455 • 4º andar • São Paulo - SP • 04543-011

T: 11 2124 3540

91 99196-5102

SBS QD 02 Bloco E SL 206 • Ed. Prime • Asa Sul - DF • 70.070-903

91 99196-5102